" https://github.com/mbbill/undotree/blob/master/plugin/undotree.vim "================================================= "Options: " Window layout " style 1 " +----------+------------------------+ " | | | " | | | " | undotree | | " | | | " | | | " +----------+ | " | | | " | diff | | " | | | " +----------+------------------------+ " Style 2 " +----------+------------------------+ " | | | " | | | " | undotree | | " | | | " | | | " +----------+------------------------+ " | | " | diff | " | | " +-----------------------------------+ " Style 3 " +------------------------+----------+ " | | | " | | | " | | undotree | " | | | " | | | " | +----------+ " | | | " | | diff | " | | | " +------------------------+----------+ " Style 4 " +-----------------------++----------+ " | | | " | | | " | | undotree | " | | | " | | | " +------------------------+----------+ " | | " | diff | " | | " +-----------------------------------+ if !exists('g:undotree_WindowLayout') let g:undotree_WindowLayout = 2 endif if has("persistent_undo") let target_path = expand('~/.vim/undodir') " create the directory and any parent directories " if the location does not exist. if !isdirectory(target_path) call mkdir(target_path, "p", 0700) endif let &undodir=target_path set undofile endif nnoremap u :UndotreeToggle