====== Benchmark with Cosbench ====== ^ Documentation ^| ^Name:| Benchmark with Cosbench | ^Description:| How to stress ceph with cosbench tool | ^Modification date :|15/02/2019| ^Owner:|dodger| ^Notify changes to:|dodger| ^Tags:| ceph, oss | ^Scalate to:|The_fucking_bofh| ====== Intro ====== Cosbench is a stress tool for object storage systems:\\ [[https://github.com/intel-cloud/cosbench]] It support the main technologies: S3, Swift. ====== Installation ====== I found multiple problems trying to run cosbench.\\ The higher version I was able to run without problems is [[https://github.com/intel-cloud/cosbench/tree/|0.4]] ===== Pre-requisites ===== * Java Run Time Environment 1.6 or later (JDK) * Curl 7.22.0 or later * NC (netcat) package * Unzip package ===== Fix script ===== The startup script will not work in redhat/centos 7, you should need to comment/delete the following line: TOOL_PARAMS="-q 1" For example: sed -i '/TOOL_PARAMS/d' cosbench-start.sh ===== Setup driver ===== Edit the file: conf/controller.conf and change the line: url = With the ip address of the server. ====== Startup ====== bash start-all.sh Sample: bvmld-osl-001 /home/bofher/cosbench/ # bash start-all.sh Launching osgi framwork ... Successfully launched osgi framework! Booting cosbench driver ... Ncat: Connection refused. .Ncat: Connection refused. .. Starting cosbench-log_0.4.0.0 [OK] .. Starting cosbench-tomcat_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-config_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-http_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-cdmi-util_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-core_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-core-web_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-api_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-mock_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-ampli_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-swift_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-keystone_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-httpauth_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-s3_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-librados_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-scality_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-cdmi-swift_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-cdmi-base_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-driver_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-driver-web_0.4.0.0 [OK] Successfully started cosbench driver! Listening on port ... Persistence bundle starting... Persistence bundle started. ---------------------------------------------- !!! Service will listen on web port: 18088 !!! ---------------------------------------------- ====================================================== Launching osgi framwork ... Successfully launched osgi framework! Booting cosbench controller ... Ncat: Connection refused. .Ncat: Connection refused. ... Starting cosbench-log_0.4.0.0 [OK] . Starting cosbench-tomcat_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-config_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-core_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-core-web_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-controller_0.4.0.0 [OK] Starting cosbench-controller-web_0.4.0.0 [OK] Successfully started cosbench controller! Listening on port ... Persistence bundle starting... Persistence bundle started. ---------------------------------------------- !!! Service will listen on web port: 19088 !!! ---------------------------------------------- ====== Stop ====== bash stop-all.sh ====== Cosbench url ====== http://SERVER_IP_OR_HOSTNAME:19088/controller/index.html ====== Workload config ====== This is a sample of a **HEAVY** stress test run over our development CEPH: You must change: * endpoint * accesskey * secretkey * runtime (in the ''workstage name="main"'' part), with this sample it will run for 30000 seconds.