====== Deploying a ceph cluster ====== ^ Documentation ^| ^Name:| Deploying a ceph cluster | ^Description:| Steps to deploy a ceph cluster | ^Modification date :|21/11/2018| ^Owner:|dodger| ^Notify changes to:|Owner | ^Tags:|ceph, object storage | ^Scalate to:|The_fucking_bofh| THIS DOCUMENT IS MERELY INFORMATIVE, YOU MUST FOLLOW OFFICIAL DOCUMENTATION! THIS DOCUMENT HAS OUT-OF-DATE PARTS JUST DON'T COPY PASTE FROM THIS DOCUMENT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!! ====== External documentation ====== * [[https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/how-to-build-a-ceph-cluster-on-centos-7/|How to build a Ceph Distributed Storage Cluster on CentOS 7 ]] * https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/ceph-radosgw/+bug/1577519 * https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_ceph_storage/1.2.3/html/installation_guide_for_rhel_x86_64/ ====== Previous Requirements ====== Basic knowledge of: * [[linux:cloud-init:deploy_new_vm|[HOWTO] Deploy any VM with Cloud-init]] * [[linux:salt-stack:running_commands|Running commands with SALT]] ====== Variables used in this documentation ====== ^ Name ^ Description ^ Sample ^ | ''${THESERVER}'' | Variable used as salt target, it can be a mask of serves (see sample) | export THESERVER="bvmlb-os*-00*" | | ''${LISTOFSERVERS}'' | Variable used as ''ceph-deploy'' target | export LISTOFSERVERS="bvmlb-osm-001 bvmlb-osd-001" | ====== Deploy vm's ====== [[linux:cloud-init:project_clonewars|[SCRIPT] Project CloneWars.sh]] We use: * 3 OSD's: disk servers * 1 vm as admin * 1 vm as monitoring * 1 vm as gateway For disk servers: bash CloneWars.sh -c nuclu -h ${THESERVER} -i ${THESERVERIP} -d 40GB -m 20 -O -r 4096 -v 2 -o 2 \\ For adm & monitoring servers: bash CloneWars.sh -c nuclu -h ${THESERVER} -i ${THESERVERIP} -m 20 -O -r 2048 -v 1 -o 2 \\ For gateway: bash CloneWars.sh -c nuclu -h ${THESERVER} -i ${THESERVERIP} -m 20 -O -r 4096 -v 2 -o 4 ====== Run salt basic states ====== - Connect to salt-master - Run postgresql ''sls'' salt "${THESERVER}" state.apply salt "${THESERVER}" state.apply nsupdate ====== Additional steps with salt ====== ===== Install yum-plugin-priorities ===== In all the servers: salt "${THESERVER}" pkg.install yum-plugin-priorities ===== Install ceph-deploy ===== In the adm: salt "${THESERVER}" pkg.install ceph-deploy ===== Add ceph user ===== In all the servers: salt "${THESERVER}" user.add ceph 1002 Check: salt "${THESERVER}" user.info ceph ===== Add ceph user to sudoers ===== In all the servers: salt "${THESERVER}" file.write /etc/sudoers.d/ceph \ "ceph ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" Check: salt "${THESERVER}" cmd.run 'cat /etc/sudoers.d/ceph' salt "${THESERVER}" cmd.run "sudo whoami" runas=ceph ===== Generate ssh keys ===== All the servers: salt "${THESERVER}" cmd.run \ "ssh-keygen -q -N '' -f /home/ceph/.ssh/id_rsa" \ runas=ceph ===== Populate ssh keys ===== Get pub keys, all servers: salt "${THESERVER}" cmd.run "cat /home/ceph/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" |egrep -v "^b" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]\{1,5\}//g' > auth_keys_oss.txt Populate ''authorized_keys'' in all servers: salt "${THESERVER}" file.copy /home/ceph/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /home/ceph/.ssh/authorized_keys while read LINE ; do salt "${THESERVER}" file.append /home/ceph/.ssh/authorized_keys "${LINE}" ; done < auth_keys_oss.txt ====== Deploy CEPH ====== ceph actions are run on the adm node, not in salt-master ===== Software install ===== ON admin node: su - ceph mkdir ~/ceph-deploy cd ~/ceph-deploy export ''LISTOFSERVERS'' variable, for example: export LISTOFSERVERS="bvmld-osadm-101 bvmld-osm-101 bvmld-osd-101 bvmld-osd-102 bvmld-osd-103" gateway node is not included on this list! hammer is the latest version available for RHEL6!! And run install: ceph-deploy install ${LISTOFSERVERS} --repo-url https://download.ceph.com/rpm-hammer/el7/ Nautilus is the latest for RHEL7: ceph-deploy install ${LISTOFSERVERS} --repo-url https://download.ceph.com/rpm-nautilus/el7/ \\ \\ Wait for ''ceph-deploy'' to finish its jobs (will take some time). \\ \\ ===== Deploy monitoring node ===== Export ''THESERVER'' var: ########################## # monitoring server ########################## THESERVER="bvmlb-osm-001" \\ Deploy it: ceph-deploy new ${THESERVER} ceph-deploy mon create-initial ceph-deploy gatherkeys ${THESERVER} Enable [[http://docs.ceph.com/docs/master/rados/configuration/msgr2/|messenger v2]] protocol: sudo ceph mon enable-msgr2 ===== Deploy manager node ===== Only for luminous+ version (version>12.x) Export ''THESERVER'' var: ########################## # monitoring server ########################## LISTOFSERVERS="bvmlb-osm-001 bvmlb-osm-002" \\ Deploy it: for THESERVER in ${LISTOFSERVERS} ; do ceph-deploy mgr create ${THESERVER} done ==== Dashboard plugin (for manager) ==== [[linux:ceph:howtos:ceph_dashboard|[HOWTO] Setup Ceph Dasboard]] ==== Enable PG autoscale (plugin for manager) ==== [[linux:ceph:howtos:autoscaling_pgs|[HOWTO] Enable PG autoscale]] ===== Deploy disk nodes ===== export ''LISTOFSERVERS'' variable, for example: export LISTOFSERVERS="bvmlb-osd-001 bvmlb-osd-002 bvmlb-osd-003" \\ Check disks: ########################## # STORAGE SERVERS ########################## #check for THESERVER in ${LISTOFSERVERS} ; do echo "${THESERVER}" ceph-deploy disk list "${THESERVER}" done ==== new versions ==== For old versions (version>12.x): Create ceph filesystems: # deploy storage nodes for THESERVER in ${LISTOFSERVERS} ; do echo "${THESERVER}"; echo "################### ${THESERVER}: creating disk" ; ceph-deploy osd create ${THESERVER} --data /dev/sdb; echo "################### ${THESERVER}: listing (check) disk" ; ceph-deploy osd list ${THESERVER}; done ==== Old versions ==== For old versions (version<12.x): Create ceph filesystems: # deploy storage nodes for THESERVER in ${LISTOFSERVERS} ; do echo "${THESERVER}" ceph-deploy disk zap ${THESERVER} /dev/sdb ceph-deploy osd prepare ${THESERVER} /dev/sdb ceph-deploy osd activate ${THESERVER} /dev/sdb1 ceph-deploy disk list ${THESERVER} echo "press enter to continue" read done ===== [OPTIONAL] Deploy admin on all nodes (except gateway) ===== export ''LISTOFSERVERS'' variable, for example: export LISTOFSERVERS="bvmld-osadm-101 bvmld-osm-101 bvmld-osd-101 bvmld-osd-102 bvmld-osd-103" And deploy it: ########################## # Deploy admin on all the nodes ceph-deploy admin ${LISTOFSERVERS} \\ \\ Check keyring (this is a salt command if you don't noticed it): salt "${THESERVER}" file.check_perms /etc/ceph/ceph.client.admin.keyring '{}' root root 644 ====== Deploy gateway ====== Doc: * http://docs.ceph.com/docs/mimic/install/install-ceph-gateway/ Deploy rados from ceph adm: THESERVER="bvmlb-osgw-001" ceph-deploy install --rgw ${THESERVER} --repo-url https://download.ceph.com/rpm-hammer/el7/ ceph-deploy admin ${THESERVER} ssh ${THESERVER} "sudo yum -y install ceph-radosgw" ceph-deploy rgw create ${THESERVER} Make 80 as the default port: cat >>ceph.conf< Restart radosgw: ssh ${THESERVER} "sudo systemctl restart ceph-radosgw" ssh ${THESERVER} "sudo systemctl status ceph-radosgw" check (gw node): ssh ${THESERVER} "sudo radosgw-admin zone get" Sample: ceph@bvmlb-osadm-001 ~/ceph-deploy $ ssh ${THESERVER} "sudo radosgw-admin zone get" { "domain_root": ".rgw", "control_pool": ".rgw.control", "gc_pool": ".rgw.gc", "log_pool": ".log", "intent_log_pool": ".intent-log", "usage_log_pool": ".usage", "user_keys_pool": ".users", "user_email_pool": ".users.email", "user_swift_pool": ".users.swift", "user_uid_pool": ".users.uid", "system_key": { "access_key": "", "secret_key": "" }, "placement_pools": [ { "key": "default-placement", "val": { "index_pool": ".rgw.buckets.index", "data_pool": ".rgw.buckets", "data_extra_pool": ".rgw.buckets.extra" } } ] } ====== Deploying MDS ====== for i in 1 3 ; do bash CloneWars.sh -F -c nuciberterminal -i${i} -v 4 -o 2 -r 4096 -O -m 20 -h AVMLP-OSFS-00${i} ; done for i in 2 4 ; do bash CloneWars.sh -F -c nuciberterminal2 -i${i} -v 4 -o 2 -r 4096 -O -m 20 -h AVMLP-OSFS-00${i} ; done export THESERVER="avmlp-osfs*.ciberterminal.net" salt "${THESERVER}" state.apply salt "${THESERVER}" state.apply nsupdate salt "${THESERVER}" pkg.install yum-plugin-priorities salt "${THESERVER}" user.add ceph 1002 salt "${THESERVER}" file.write /etc/sudoers.d/ceph "ceph ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:ALL" salt "${THESERVER}" cmd.run "cat /etc/sudoers.d/ceph" salt "${THESERVER}" cmd.run "sudo whoami" runas=ceph salt "${THESERVER}" cmd.run "ssh-keygen -q -N '' -f /home/ceph/.ssh/id_rsa" runas=ceph salt "${THESERVER}" cmd.run "cat /home/ceph/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" |egrep -v "^a" | sed 's/^[[:space:]]\{1,5\}//g' > auth_keys_oss.txt export THESERVER="avmlp-os*.ciberterminal.net" salt "${THESERVER}" file.copy /home/ceph/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /home/ceph/.ssh/authorized_keys while read LINE ; do salt "${THESERVER}" file.append /home/ceph/.ssh/authorized_keys "${LINE}" ; done < auth_keys_avmlp-os.txt From osm-001: for i in ${MDSSERVERS} ; do scp ceph.repo ${i}:/home/ceph/ ; ssh ${i} "sudo mv /home/ceph/ceph.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/" ; done export MDSSERVERS="avmlp-osfs-002.ciberterminal.net avmlp-osfs-001.ciberterminal.net avmlp-osfs-004.ciberterminal.net avmlp-osfs-003.ciberterminal.net" export LISTOFSERVERS=${MDSSERVERS} ceph-deploy install ${LISTOFSERVERS} ceph-deploy mds create ${LISTOFSERVERS} mds information will appear after the creation of the cephfs export POOL_NAME="cephfs_data-ftp" ceph osd pool create ${POOL_NAME} 128 128 replicated ceph osd pool set ${POOL_NAME} crush_rule ciberterminalRule ceph osd pool set ${POOL_NAME} compression_algorithm snappy ceph osd pool set ${POOL_NAME} compression_mode aggressive ceph osd pool set ${POOL_NAME} compression_min_blob_size 10240 ceph osd pool set ${POOL_NAME} compression_max_blob_size 4194304 ceph osd pool set ${POOL_NAME} pg_autoscale_mode on export POOL_NAME="cephfs_metadata-ftp" ceph osd pool create ${POOL_NAME} 128 128 replicated ceph osd pool set ${POOL_NAME} crush_rule ciberterminalRule ceph osd pool set ${POOL_NAME} pg_autoscale_mode on ceph fs new cephfs cephfs_metadata-ftp cephfs_data-ftp ceph fs ls ceph -s ceph mds stat ====== Troubleshooting ====== ===== Error deploying radosgw ===== [[linux:ceph:troubleshooting:error_deploying_gateway|[TROUBLESHOOT] Error deploying radosgw]] ===== Completely remove OSD from cluster ===== [[linux:ceph:howtos:remove_osd|[HOWTO] Completely remove OSD from cluster]]