====== [HOWTO] Enable PG autoscale ====== ^ Documentation ^| ^Name:| [HOWTO] Enable PG autoscale | ^Description:| [HOWTO] Enable PG autoscale | ^Modification date :|27/06/2018| ^Owner:|dodger| ^Notify changes to:|Owner | ^Tags:|ceph, object storage | ^Scalate to:|The_fucking_bofh| ====== Pre-Requirements ====== This is a new option for ''Nautilus'' and is still un-documented on the official ceph wiki. * [[https://ceph.com/rados/new-in-nautilus-pg-merging-and-autotuning/|Available documentation (now)]] ====== Instructions ====== Enable ''pg_autoscaler'' module: ceph mgr module enable pg_autoscaler check: ceph mgr module ls Then enable pg_autoscale for a specific pool: ceph osd pool set ${POOL_NAME} pg_autoscale_mode on For all pools: for POOL_NAME in $(ceph osd pool ls ) ; do ceph osd pool set ${POOL_NAME} pg_autoscale_mode on ; done