====== [TROUBLESHOOT] OSD_SCRUB_ERRORS XX scrub errors ====== ^ Documentation ^| ^Name:| [TROUBLESHOOT] OSD_SCRUB_ERRORS XX scrub errors | ^Description:| how to solve this "issue" | ^Modification date :|29/07/2019| ^Owner:|dodger| ^Notify changes to:|Owner | ^Tags:|ceph, object storage | ^Scalate to:|The_fucking_bofh| ====== The error ====== OSD_SCRUB_ERRORS 3 scrub errors PG_DAMAGED Possible data damage: 3 pgs inconsistent pg 29.47 is active+clean+remapped+inconsistent, acting [8,10,18,14] pg 29.56 is active+clean+remapped+inconsistent, acting [17,14,4,10] pg 29.6e is active+clean+remapped+inconsistent, acting [15,8,14,6] ====== The solution ====== Repair solved the problem: ceph pg repair