====== Standard cloud-init script ====== ^ Documentation ^| ^Name:| Standard cloud-init script | ^Description:|This should be the cloud-init.yaml scrip used as base of every depoy| ^Modification date :|22/10/2018| ^Owner:|dodger@ciberterminal.net| ^Notify changes to:| dodger@ciberterminal.net & warlock86@gmail.com | ^Tags:| cloud-init, salt| ====== PRE-Requirements ====== ALL THE REST OF CLOUD-INIT.YAML script pasted in any other document can be obsolete, always use this as the base script. ====== Information ====== * This is a basic cloud-init yaml, it makes a **STATIC** network configuration, which is the hardest setup possible, cloud-init will **always** try to use DHCP. * It will add a user named ''bofher'' with a cyphered password, you must change it, of course. ====== cloud-init.yaml ====== #cloud-config package_upgrade: true preserve_hostname: false fqdn: THEHOSTNAME.ciberterminal.net hostname: THEHOSTNAME manage_resolv_conf: false network: config: disabled bootcmd: - echo DEVICE=eth0 > /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - echo TYPE=Ethernet >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - echo ONBOOT=yes >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - echo BOOTPROTO=none >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - echo IPADDR=THEIPADDRESS >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - echo PREFIX=THENETMASK >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - echo GATEWAY=THEGATEWAY >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - echo DNS1=THEDNS01 >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - echo DNS2=THEDNS01 >> /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 - ifdown eth0 - ifup eth0 users: - name: bofher sudo: ['ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL'] ssh-authorized-keys: - ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDMyKlWiO3YkoIc2ZfuLi+nEojn3mLcGOETB54c1Ih3jC/v8uWoC+rGYDDXU3dEbI1mVVWEpbrxeHPPBrQnv6ZySuqpqScpAPfb4/0OciR2hRfBCoLCzuKBMC7QlXYfzlBOPn5BzR/1XKLrshOHDVPxV/AmqVqpz86xVWYJYK7aMgHTEabWINCANXTDvWgm2UGTuhSh/1/wGcI+DL141cUeDB9LUSikWRuoepmSYC/ZascRAV2g7g3oqGCTM8xgSmP11YWMuzkGNGN1HiFdh3fP0xQVOeEehswlWOwZ3/ztpl2o0Kx2jomHuadCEJ2HhhDblipE2VOV9+1ruTkvuuRX dodger@ciberterminal.net lock-passwd: false passwd: $6$RvKfWhor$ve1U0Ni.cwS4wy/kvcp9jcp2sETsp/BSmQZJdWNHFSTAUQ89uFMBNzMIWMCl7C5/Q8x4O/iMCzw7tujrrvS4E0 packages: - bash-completion - vim - tmux - strace - lsof - mlocate - git - subversion - nmap - tcpdump - jq - nc - telnet - man - yum-utils - unzip - pigz - pbzip2 - ntpdate - rlwrap - expectk - psmisc - lvm2 - htop - elinks - wget - dmidecode - python-setuptools - git - sl - cyrus-sasl-devel - cyrus-sasl-gs2 - cyrus-sasl-gssapi - cyrus-sasl-ldap - cyrus-sasl-ntlm - cyrus-sasl-plain - cyrus-sasl-scram - cyrus-sasl-sql - cyrus-sasl-sql - krb5-workstation - samba-common-tools - sssd-ad - salt-minion - yum-plugin-versionlock runcmd: - [ yum, -y, groupinstall, "Development tools" ] - [ systemctl, stop, firewalld ] - [ systemctl, disable, firewalld ] - [ systemctl, enable, salt-minion ] - [ sed, -i, "s/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g", /etc/selinux/config ] - [ sed, -i, "s/SELINUX=permissive/SELINUX=disabled/g", /etc/selinux/config ] - [ wall, "CLOUD-INIT finished, restarting to finish install" ] - [ shutdown, -r, -t, 10 ] # DO-NOT-DELETE THAT COMMENTS # see clonewars.sh script ====== Parameters to change ====== * ''THEHOSTNAME'' * ''THEIPADDRESS'' * ''THENETMASK'' * ''THEGATEWAY'' * ''THEDNS01'' * ''THEDNS02'' ====== oneliner of the dead ====== ''CLONEWARS.SH''