====== Running commands with SALT ====== ===== Targeting ===== To run commands you need to specify the target. You can find more info about targeting [[https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/targeting/index.html#targeting|here]]. Also, you can check some examples below. ==== Simple targeting examples ==== Perform a ''test.ping'' in all minions: sudo salt '*' test.ping ==== Targeting on grains ==== Create a directory in all minions running CentOS: sudo salt -G 'os:Centos' file.makedirs /opt/cylance/ ==== Compound targeting ==== Copy a file from the [[linux:salt-stack:salt_fileserver|salt-filserver]] to all minions running Centos version 6: sudo salt -C 'G@os:Centos and G@osmajorrelease:6' cp.get_file salt://cylance/config_defaults.txt /opt/cylance/config_defaults.txt You can find more info about compound targeting [[https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/targeting/compound.html|here]]. ===== Substitutions (template rendering) ===== You can make substitutions for rendering the commands with jinja, typing the value to be used between double curly brackets ''%%{{%% ... %%}}%%''. **Example:** Copy the appropriate version of CylancePROTECT install RPM from the [[linux:salt-stack:salt_fileserver|salt-filserver]], depending on the Centos os major release, using the grain ''osmajorrelease'': sudo salt -C 'G@os:Centos' cp.get_file salt://cylance/CylancePROTECT.el{{grains.osmajorrelease}}.rpm /opt/cylance/CylancePROTECT.el{{grains.osmajorrelease}}.rpm template=jinja ===== Sample commands with Salt ===== Find out servers with configured as DNS nameserver and show what nameservers are configured: sudo salt -C 'G@dns:nameservers:' grains.get dns:"nameservers"