====== Using execution modules with salt ====== ^ Documentation ^| ^Name:| Using execution modules with salt | ^Description:| How to use (and install) wonderful execution modules in salt-stack| ^Modification date :|19/10/2018| ^Owner:|dodger@ciberterminal.net| ^Notify changes to:|dodger@ciberterminal.net & warlock86@gmail.com | ^Tags:| salt, salt-stack| ====== Official documentation ====== * [[https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/topics/execution/index.html|Salt remote execution documentation (a.k.a. modules)]] * [[https://docs.saltstack.com/en/latest/ref/index.html|Salt module reference]] ====== Module specific documentation ====== ===== pkg module ===== Some of the functions of pkg module does not work. List of working functions: * clean_repo * del_repo * diff * download * file_dict * file_list * get_repo * group_diff * group_info * group_install * group_list * hold * install * latest-version * list_holds * list_pkgs * list_repo_pkgs * list_repos * list_upgrades * mod_repo * modified * normalize_name * owner * purge * refresh_db * move * upgrade * upgrade_available * verify * version * version_cmp List of non-working functions: * info_installed * list_downloaded * list_installed_patches * list_patches ====== Debugging non-working modules ====== Set ''minion'' loggging to debug: echo "log_level_logfile: debug" >> /etc/salt/minion Restart minion: systemctl restart salt-minion Watch log: tail -f /var/log/salt/minion