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[HOWTO] Reset SYS password
This is a very little document on howto reset the SYS password.
- verify the pwfile:
select * from v$pwfile_users;
- if there's any additional user, you must reset its passwd too.
- Its a good practice to initalice the Oracle environment variables.
- As oracle, create the file:
orapwd file=$HOME/orapw${ORACLE_SID} password=<PASSWORD> entries=4
- backup the actual pwd file:
- And replace it:
cp -pfv $HOME/orapw${ORACLE_SID} $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw${ORACLE_SID}
- Now you can add more users to the pwd file so they can login without having oracle avalaible:
create user DODGER identified by <PASSWORD>; grant sysdba to DODGER;
on ASM
you must use the password copy tools:
to know which passwordfile is using and for copying from/to asm to/from localdisks.
pwget --dbuniquename BAVEL12SGDN pwcopy --dbuniquename BAVEL12SGDN /home/oracle/orapwdBAVEL12SGDN +DG_DATA_01/BAVEL12SGDN
How to Restore ASM Password File if Lost ( ORA-01017 ORA-15077 ) (Doc ID 1644005.1)
dba/oracle/howtos/howto_change_sys_password.txt · Last modified: 2023/01/31 08:26 by dodger