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[DOC] the FREAK cheatsheet


Chrome sufinkeys (vimperator)

############## to click links ############## ——————————————————————
f Open a link, press SHIFT to flip hints if they are overlapped.
C Open a link in non-active new tab
cf Open multiple links in a new tab
gf Open a link in non-active new tab
af Open a link in new tab
############## to switch tabs ############## ——————————————————————
E Go one tab left
R Go one tab right
x Close current tab
X Restore closed tab
W New window with current tab
J Move current tab to left
K Move current tab to right
yt Duplicate current tab
« Move current tab to left
» Move current tab to right
g0 Go to the first tab
g$ Go to the last tab
gx0 Close all tabs on left
gxt Close tab on left
gxT Close tab on right
gx$ Close all tabs on right
############## to scroll pages / DIVs ############## ——————————————————————
0 Scroll all the way to the left
e Scroll a page up
d Scroll a page down
gg Scroll to the top of the page
G Scroll to the bottom of the page
j Scroll down
k Scroll up
h Scroll left
l Scroll right
$ Scroll all the way to the right
% Scroll to percentage of current page
cS Reset scroll target
cs Change scroll target
############## to capture full pages / DIV ############## ——————————————————————
yG Capture current full page
yS Capture scrolling element
############## to search seleted with kinds of search engines ############## ——————————————————————
sg Search selected with google
sw Search selected with bing
sy Search selected with youtube
sb Search selected with baidu
############## to edit input with vim editor ############## ——————————————————————
Ctrl-i Go to edit box with vim editor
############## to edit URL with vim editor ############## ——————————————————————
su Edit current URL with vim editor


Using fail2ban-client:

############## command ############## ——————————————————————
fail2ban-client status status of the server
fail2ban-client banned List banned addresses
fail2ban-client unban <IP> Unban <IP> address
fail2ban-client unban –all Unban all
fail2ban-client set <JAIL> banip <IP> Ban <IP> inside <JAIL>


############## command ############## ——————————————————————
firewall-cmd –state status of the server
firewall-cmd –get-active-zones List active zones
firewall-cmd –get-zones List all zones
firewall-cmd –list-all-zones List all in all zones (active or not)
firewall-cmd –zone=${THEZONE} –add-service=${THESERVICE} Allow ${THESERVICE} to ${THEZONE}
firewall-cmd –zone=${THEZONE} –remove-service=${THESERVICE} Disallow ${THESERVICE} from ${THEZONE}


systemd is the devil and systemctl is the whip to punish bofher's…


############## command ############## ——————————————————————
systemctl list-units List units
systemctl list-units –all List all units
systemctl list-units –type=service List services
systemctl list-units –type=socket List sockets
systemctl list-units –status=failed List failed units

In userspace:

############## command ############## ——————————————————————
systemctl –user List user-space units
systemctl –user -t target List target state, see man
systemctl –user list-dependencies List dependencies of any target, in this case


Wonderful documentation here

############## MOVING AROUND ############## ——————————————————————
+ next mail
- prev mail
<n> go to <n> message in the index
$ go to last message
^ To the first undeleted message
p print currrent mail
h list all mails
d <range> delete current mail or n-m range of emails
u undo deletion
q quit
r reply a message
s save message to a file
= print current message index number
^ To the first non-whitespace character of a line.
v put current mail into vi

To see composing commands, read the link above…


############## MOVING AROUND ############## ——————————————————————
h,j,k,l left,down,up,right
0 Begin of line
$ End of line
e end of a word
E end of a whitespace-delimited word.
b beginning of a word.
B beginning of a whitespace-delimited word.
0 beginning of a line.
^ To the first non-whitespace character of a line.
H 1st line of the screen (NOT of the document).
M middle line of the screen.
L Last line of the screen.
:n Go to line n
p Paste yanked text
P Paste yanked text BEFORE cursor
##############'SPELL/SYNTAX'############## ——————————————————————
set spell Enables orthographical correction
set spelllang=# Changes the orthographical dictionary
z= language suggestions
syntax on Enables syntax check
##############'SPLIT/TABS/BUFFERS'############## ——————————————————————
:split file Horizontal split
:vplit file Vertical Split
Crtl+w h,j,k,l Focus change (like screen crtl→w→hjkl)
Crtl+w w Focus rotation
Crtl+w r,R Document (position) rotation
Crtl+w Crtl+w Switch buffer
:bd close buffer
Crtl+w n New buffer
:new /etc/hosts open /etc/hosts in region
N Crtl+w + Resize region N lines bigger
N Crtl+w - Resize region N lines smaller
##############'VISUAL'############## ——————————————————————
v Modo Visual
V Modo Visual y selecciona la linea actual
h,j,k,l left,down,up,right selecting lines
< or > TAB or UNTAB [multiple] lines
y yank (copy) selected
##############'MULTIPLE FILES'############## ——————————————————————
vim file1 file2 file3 Open files: file1 file2 file3
:n Next file
:N Previous file
:rev Go to First file
##############'PROGRAMMING'############## ——————————————————————
Ctrl+a In normal mode, with the curson on a number: increment by 1 that number
Ctrl+x In normal mode, with the curson on a number: decrement by 1 that number
:set foldmethod=syntax enable folding
za toggle folding a function or watever configured
zf<n> fold <n> lines from the cursor downwards (with foldmethod=manual)
select lines with VISUAL zf fold the selected lines
##############'OTHERS'############## ——————————————————————
:%s/OLDSTRING/NEWSTRING[/g] Substitution
:set number show line number
:set nonumber Hide line number
Crtl+V → select lines → I Insert '#' → 'ESC' Comment multiple lines at the same time
0Crtl+V → select lines → x Un-Comment multiple lines at the same time
Crtl+s stop/pause input (very anonying)
Crtl+q continue entering commands/text (input)


  • Configuration

In this case, I choose to setup TMUX with the CTRL+A combo like screen:

set -g history-limit 10000
setw -g mode-keys vi

# MAJOR ops
set-option -g prefix C-a
unbind C-b
bind-key C-a last-window

# Set status bar
set -g status-left-length 30
set -g status-bg black
set -g status-fg white
set -g status-left "#[fg=green]#H"
set -g status-right "#[fg=yellow]#(uptime | awk -F\: '{print $5}')"
setw -g monitor-activity on
set -g visual-activity on
  • the cheatsheet
    ##############'CONNECTION'############## From outside tmux
    tmux launch a new tmux
    tmux -L NAME launch a new tmux with socket name “NAME”
    tmux ls list tmux sessions
    tmux attach -t X attach to tmux session X
    ##############'INSIDE tmux'############## ——————————————————————
    CTRL-a c New tmux “tab”/session
    CTRL-a n Next “tab”
    CTRL-a p Prev “tab”
    CTRL-a N Go to tab N
    exit exit current tab
    CRTL-d exit current tab
    CTRL-a , Change Current tab name
    CRTL-a d de-attach tmux
    CTRL-a & Destroy (literally) current tab
    CTRL-a D Choose a client to detach
    CTRL-a D Choose a client to detach
    CTRL-a , <newname> rename buffer
    ##############'SPLITTING'############## ——————————————————————
    CTRL-a “ Split current tab horizontally
    CTRL-a % Split current tab vertically
    CTRL-a <arrow-keys> Move through the regions
    CTRL-a CTRL-<arrow-keys> Resize current region
    CTRL-a META-<arrow-keys> Resize current region in steps of 5chars
    CTRL-a x Close current region
    CTRL-a CTRL-o Cycle panes forward
    CTRL-a META-o Cycle panes backward
    CTRL-a ! Break the current pane out of the window.
    CTRL-a q show pane index (cool)
    CTRL-a space change split layout (vertical↔horizontal)
    ##############'COPY/PASTE'############## ——————————————————————
    CTRL-a [ Enter copy mode
    CTRL-a RePag Enter copy mode and goback 1page
    <Space> Begin selection (use arrows to move)
    <Enter> Finish selection and copy
    CTRL-a ] Paste most recent buffer
    CTRL-a = Select Paste Buffer and paste it
    q or CTRL-c exit copy mode
    ##############'SCROLL'############## ——————————————————————
    CTRL-a [ Enter copy mode
    AvPag Advance 1 page
    RePag Previous page
    Inicio Go to the 1st line of scroll
    Fin Go to the last line of scroll (actual one)
    CRTL+r <SEARCH STRING> Enter Search mode (begin writing), then CRTL+r to go to the previous ressult
    /<SEARCH STRING> Enter VIM-like search
    q or CTRL-c exit copy mode
  • Other

Sync panes (send input to all panes):

CTRL-a :


setw synchronize-panes on


##############'CONNECTION'############## From outside screen
screen launch a new screen
screen -S NAME launch a new screen with name “NAME”
screen -m PROGRAM launch a screen and inside it the “PROGRAM”
screen -d -m PROGRAM launch a DE-ATTACHED screen and run “PROGRAM” inside
screen -ls launch a new screen
screen -x bruteforce attach
screen -r SCREENAME attach to screen “SCREENAME”
##############'INSIDE SCREEN'############## ——————————————————————
CTRL-a c New screen “tab”/session
CTRL-a n Next “tab”
CTRL-a p Prev “tab”
CTRL-a N Go to tab N
CTRL-a ” Tab list
exit exit current tab
CRTL-d exit current tab
CTRL-a A Change Current tab name
CRTL-a d de-attach screen
CRTL-a C clear current tab screen
CRTL-a l reset current tab screen
CTRL-a K Destroy (literally) current tab
##############'SPLITTING'############## ——————————————————————
CTRL-a S Split current tab horizontally
CTRL-a | Split current tab vertically
CTRL-a <tab> Switch to next region
CTRL-a X Close current region
##############'COPY/PASTE'############## ——————————————————————
CTRL-a <esc> Enter copy mode
<Space> Begin selection (use arrows to move)
<Enter> Finish selection and copy
CTRL-a ] Paste
CTRL-a > Write clipboard to file /tmp/screen-exchange
CTRL-a < Read /tmp/screen-exchange to clipboard
CTRL-a = Remove /tmp/screen-exchange but no clipboard content
##############'SCROLL'############## ——————————————————————
CTRL-a <esc> Enter copy mode
AvPag Advance 1 page
RePag Previous page
Inicio Go to the 1st line of scroll
Fin Go to the last line of scroll (actual one)
CRTL+r <SEARCH STRING> Enter Search mode (begin writing), then CRTL+r to go to the previous ressult
/<SEARCH STRING> Enter VIM-like search


##############'main'############## ——————————————————————
ALT+a List of avalaible actions
ALT+n Next window
ALT+p Prev window
ALT+w window list
ALT+c Close window
ALT+q Quit
ALT+m Move window
ALT+r Resize window
ALT+s window list
ALT+d Dump the contents of the screen in HTML format in a file named “dump.html” in working directory.
ALT+. Move the position of the current window in the window list one place to the right.
ALT+, Move the position of the current window in the window list one place to the left.
ALT+l Refresh the windows. This is useful after resizing the terminal window.
ALT+1..0 Jump to the 1st, 2nd … 10th window.
CRTL+o Bring up the menu (if there is one) for a window. Note that currently only the buddylist has a menu.
ALT+> Switch to the next workspace
ALT+< Switch to the previous workspace
AvPag RePag Scroll text page up/page down
  • Add buddy
    • In the buddy list, select group and press F11
  • Move buddy/contact to group
    • In the buddy list, select buddy/contact, press t to tag it, then select group and press a to add.


##############'INSIDE rtorrent'############## ——————————————————————
ENTER Load torrent menu
CTRL+s Start downloading torrent
CTRL+d Stop downloading torrent
CTRL+d + CTRL+d Stop & remove downloading torrent
CTRL+k Close torrent
CTRL+r re-hash torrent
CTRL+o Change torrent download dir, torent must be closed
CTRL+q Quit
l view log (exit with space)
a-s-d, z-x-c (on main window) Download speed throttle
A-S-D, Z-X-C (on main window) Upload speed throttle
+ Over a torrent: higher priority
- Over a torrent: lower priority



##############'SCROLL'############## ——————————————————————
h,j,k,l left,down,up,right
Control+u half page up
Control+d half page down
gg Top of page
G End of page
##############'TABS'############## ——————————————————————
crtl+n next tab
crtl+p prev tab
o → :open URL Open URL on the current tab
t → :tabopen URL Open URL on new tab
w → :winopen URL Open URL on new window
crtl+6 Previously selected tab
:tabmove N Move current tab to position N (0=First)
##############'NAVIGATION'############## ——————————————————————
f follow hint (write to complete)
F follow hint on new tab
/ search on current page
##############'OTHERS'############## ——————————————————————
:set go+=mTB Show the “common” firefox toolbar
:set go-=mTB Hide the “common” firefox toolbar


Main Window

Ctrl+p Print…
Ctrl+w Work offline
Ctrl+Shift+s Synchronise folders
Ctrl+s Save as…
Ctrl+q Exit
Ctrl+c Copy
Ctrl+a Select all
Ctrl+f Find in current message…
Shift+Ctrl+f Search folder…
Ctrl+t Toggle threaded display
n Go to next mail in Message List. The 'Down' arrow does the same.
p Go to previous mail. The 'Up' arrow is a synonym.
Shift+n Go to next unread mail.
Shift+p Go to previous unread mail.
g Go to other folder…
Ctrl+u Show message source
Ctrl+h Show all message headers
v Toggles the message view panel visibility. When invisible, Message List expands itself to fill the full window height and more summary lines are displayed.
/ Positions the cursor on the Quicksearch field, also opening the Quicksearch panel if needed.
Ctrl+Alt+u Update summary
Ctrl+i Get mail from current account
Shift+Ctrl+i Get mail from all accounts
Ctrl+m Compose a new message
Ctrl+r Reply
Shift+Ctrl+r Reply to all
Ctrl+l Reply to mailing list
Ctrl+Alt+f Forward message
Ctrl+o Move…
Shift+Ctrl+o Copy…
Ctrl+d Move to trash
Shift+d Empty all Trash folders
Shift+* Mark message
u Unmark message
Shift+! Mark message as unread
Shift+Ctrl+a Open address book
x Execute
Shift+Ctrl+l Open log window

Compose Window

Ctrl+Return Send
Shift+Ctrl+s Send later
Ctrl+m Attach file
Ctrl+i Insert file
Ctrl+g Insert signature
Ctrl+s Save
Ctrl+w Close
Ctrl+z Undo
Ctrl+y Redo
Ctrl+x Cut
Ctrl+c Copy
Ctrl+v Paste
Ctrl+a Select all
Ctrl+b Move a character backward
Ctrl+f Move a character forward
Ctrl+e Move to end of line
Ctrl+p Move a previous line
Ctrl+n Move a next line
Ctrl+h Delete a character backward
Ctrl+d Delete a character forward
Ctrl+u Delete line
Ctrl+k Delete to end of line
Ctrl+l Wrap current paragraph
Ctrl+Alt+l Wrap all long lines
Shift+Ctrl+l Toggle auto wrapping
Shift+Ctrl+x Edit with external editor
Shift+Ctrl+a Open address book


##############'SCROLL'############## ——————————————————————
h,j,k,l left,down,up,right
Control+u half page up
Control+d half page down
gg Top of page
G End of page
##############'TABS'############## ——————————————————————
J next tab
K prev tab
o, :open + URL Open URL on the current tab
O, :tabopen + URL Open URL on new tab
w → :winopen URL Open URL on new window
go Open CURRENT URL on current tab
gO Open CURRENT URL on new tab
o Open CURRENT URL on current tab
gO Open CURRENT URL on new tab
xo New background tab
xO Open CURRENT URL on new background tab
crtl+tab Previously selected tab
nT Go to tab n
[n]gm Move current tab to position n or 1st position if not n
[n]gl Move current tab n positions left
[n]gr Move current tab n positions right
##############'NAVIGATION'############## ——————————————————————
f follow hint (write to complete)
F follow hint on new tab
/ search on current page
H History back
L History forward
##############'OTHERS'############## ——————————————————————
:set go+=mTB Show the “common” firefox toolbar
:set go-=mTB Hide the “common” firefox toolbar


linux/the_freak_cheatsheet.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/27 08:29 by dodger